Tips for Older Adults—Keeping Warm in Winter

It’s time to say goodbye to colourful autumn, and hello to chilly winter. So, here are a few tips to keep yourself (or your loved one) warm during the cold season.


Biological changes in the body (or certain medications), can make us more sensitive to colder weather as we age. Not only do we feel the cold more as we grow older, but our body temperature might be harder to maintain too. So, to stay healthy and comfortable this winter, pay close attention to the temperature both outside, and inside your home.


Use Available Heating

It’s very important to keep your house warm throughout winter. If you have heating—ducted, wood fire, or portable, use it when the inside temperature dips below 22°C. If you don’t have a heater, harness the sun’s natural warmth on nicer days by opening east-facing curtains.

Stop Heat Escaping

Generally, our homes lose the most heat through ceilings, windows, and draughty areas. So, to stop any unnecessary heat from escaping, close evaporative cooling vents, cover your windows with thick curtains, and cover gaps below doors with draught stoppers. Plus, make sure to close doors to rooms you’re not using. This way, your heater can easily heat the rooms you are using, without wasting energy on the rooms you’re not.

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Dress the Part

Even if your house is warm, it’s still important to rug up for winter. Invest in a wearable blanket, or a heated jacket. Wear socks and slippers with rubber soles around the house, and bed socks to bed. And wear a hat or a beanie when necessary. Also, donning multiple thin layers—rather than one thick later, can keep you warmer for longer.

Watch What You Eat (and Drink)

Eating plenty of healthy food can help your body regulate its temperature, so a good diet is important during winter. Plus, hot foods and drinks (coffee, tea, soup etc.), can warm you up from the inside out!

Bonus tip: During winter, we’re often less mobile. Stand up and go for a quick walk around the house to keep nice and warm.

Could you use some help handling the cold weather this winter? Here at After-Care, we offer a range of in home care services to keep you happy and healthy, all year round. Our trusted carers could cook you a warm meal a few times a week, take you shopping for some woolly socks, or help winter-proof your home. Whatever you need, we’re here to help. Click here to learn more and contact us today.